Special Message

This blog is dedicated to every woman, and especially horsewomen, who started their motherhood journey a little later than most. If you feel like your story is a theatrical event and you've just begun the 2nd act, then this blog is for you. This blog will communicate what I have learned from growing up a suburban latch key kid, to marrying a cowboy-at-heart, to relocating and raising our daughter in the heart of Rocky Mountain country.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Daddy's little girl......

......................there is NOTHING as sweet!

 This song makes me cry:  

I adore taking pictures of our daughter with her daddy.  I have never met a man who was more meant to be the daddy of a girl.  He dotes, and guides, and shows her love and respect....in short, he does all the things I hope her husband will one day do as well!  He is teaching her, every single day, how a girl should always be treated.  And he is not shy to tell her that, either.

The day we found out we were having a girl, he went out and bought a shotgun.  I~KID~YOU~NOT!  Heaven help the boy that falls in love with this daddy's girl!! And, there won't be enough help in heaven or on earth if he breaks her heart.

Minutes after Charlie was born, hubby changed her first diaper. He LOVES to tell the story - she weighed 5lbs, 2oz at birth.  Skinny and long!  Within 5 minutes, she pooped out a seriously huge (..um..) load, which he got to clean up.  When the nurses re-weighed her she was 4lbs, 12oz!  Hubby said, "That's my girl!"

Hours after she was born, he introduced her to our friends and family.  I don't think he put her down for 5 hours, and he could not stop staring at her pretty face and touching her long, delicate fingers.

2 days after she was born, he took her home and has continued to love her every day since.  He can't stand to be away from her for more than a couple days.  When she was 3 months old, hubby went to Texas for a week for work.  When he got back, I thought his heart was going to bust out of his chest!

He held her while she got her ears pierced at 3 months old.  He had no idea what he was in for!  ;-)  Charlie has always been a tough little cookie and to this day does not typically cry if she gets a bump or bruise.  Of course, I knew this was going to be different, but hubby had no clue.  They pierced one ear at a time, and a moment after the first ear "punch" went click...she let out a wail so forlorn and surprised...and daddy IMMEDIATELY hugged her close and started to tear up.  Poor guy!  Nothing like a little 10lb bundle of sweet and beautiful wailing her heart out to make him cry!   I think I got to hold her for the second ear, he just couldn't handle it.  (Point of note - by the time we got into the truck to go home, she had forgotten all about the ordeal.  He still hasn't, 3 years later).

He is really just a big kid at heart, so having a child is a natural extension of his very being. He does not embarrass easily, and will fully break into song and dance anywhere with this girl if it will make her laugh (he is banned from more than one Starbucks -- JK, don't boycott Starbucks, they're cool with his goofy dance and out-of-tune songs). He cannot bear to have her unhappy, which....I must admit...does not work too well in the discipline department.  Yep - I am BAAAAD COP most of the time.  ;-)  I am okay with that, though....if it means she has a loving, caring, courageous daddy to show her what life is all about.

Here's to you, Daddy!


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